Decathlon Arena

Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

View the seating map of Decathlon Arena

Seating plan

Find your place in the Decathlon Arena stands


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Le 23 juillet 2025 à 19:00

Imagine Dragons - Loom World Tour

COMPLET - Places non disponibles

* ATTENTION, dates et horaires non contractuels, susceptibles d'être modifiés. Vérifiez auprès de l'organisateur *

List of blocks

All access, gates, blocks to find your seat in Decathlon Arena stands

East sector

  1. Blocks and gates
  2. Stand level 2
    Gate F: Allée F21, F22, F23, F24, F25
    Gate G: Allée G21, G22, G23, G24
    Gate H: Allée H21, H22, H23, H24, H25

    Stand level 1
    Gate F: Allée Fa, Fb, Fc, Fd
    Gate G: Allée Ga, Gb
    Gate H: Allée Ha, Hb, Hc, Hd

    Stand level 0
    Gate F: Allée F01, F02, F03, F04
    Gate G: Allée G01, G02, G03, G04
    Gate H: Allée H01, H02, H03, H04

    Stand Arena
    Gate F: Allée FA2, FA3, FA4
    Gate G: Allée GA2, GA5, GA6

North sector

  1. Blocks and gates
  2. Stand level 2
    Gate C: Allée C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27
    Gate D: Allée D21, D22, D23, D24
    Gate E: Allée E21, E22, E23, E24, E25, E26, E27

    Stand level 1
    Gate C: Allée Ca, Cb, Cc
    Gate D: Allée Da, Db
    Gate E: Allée Ea, Eb, Ec, Ed

    Stand level 0
    Gate C: Allée C01, C02, C03, C04, C05, C06
    Gate D: Allée D01, D02, D03, D04
    Gate E: Allée E01, E02, E03, E04, E05, E06

    Stand Arena
    Gate C: Allée CA4, CA6
    Gate D: Allée DA1, DA2, DA3, DA4
    Gate E: Allée EA1, EA3

West sector

  1. Blocks and gates
  2. Stand level 2
    Gate A: Allée A21, A22, A23
    Gate B: Allée B21, B22, B23
    Gate M: Allée M21, M22, M23
    Gate N: Allée N21, N22, N23

    Stand level 1
    Gate B: Allée Ba, Bb, Bc, Bd, Be
    Gate M: Allée Ma, Mb, Mc, Md

    Stand level 0
    Gate A: Allée A01, A02
    Gate B: Allée B01, B02, B03, B04
    Gate M: Allée M01, M02, M03, M04
    Gate N: Allée N01, N02

    Stand level
    Gate A: Allée AA1, AA3, AA4
    Gate B: Allée BA1, BA2

South sector

  1. Blocks and gates
  2. Stand level 2
    Gate L: Allée L21, L22, L23, L24, L25, L26, L27
    Gate K: Allée K21, K22, K23, K24
    Gate J: Allée J21, J22
    Gate I: Allée I21, I22, I23, I24, I25

    Stand level 1
    Gate L: Allée La, Lb, Lc, Ld
    Gate K: Allée Ka, Kb
    Gate J: Allée Ja, Jb
    Gate I: Allée Ia, Ib

    Stand level 0
    Gate L: Allée L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06
    Gate K: Allée K01, K02, K03, K04
    Gate J: Allée J01, J02
    Gate I: Allée I01, I02, I03, I04


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To reach Pierre Mauroy Stadium

By Cars

Pierre Mauroy stadium is located near motorways A1, A23, A25, A27 and N227.

It has pay car parks A1, A2, B1, C1, C2, C4, C5, C7 and free car parks S1 to S9. Shuttle buses run from the free car parks to the stadium.

Access map

Public transport

To reach Pierre Mauroy stadium, you can use the metro.

  • Line 1 sopt at Cité Scientifique or stop at 4 cantons Grand Stade
  • Line 2 stop at Les Prés, then take free shuttle buses

Reach the stadium by bus

  • Line 18 Versailles stop
  • Line Corolle Versailles stop

By Bikes

More than 1,000 sheltered and secure cycle parking spaces are available on the forecourt of the Decathlon Arena - Stade Pierre-Mauroy. Cycle paths have been laid out so that you can get there easily and safely.